
Tuesday, 10 May 2022



When it is not Lemons?”

People say “we are what we eat.” but how can this be “when it is not lemons?”

One of the things that I started to do last year was reading the packaging of what I buy, this 

made me look at where I buy things from and how much I spend.

For my main shopping I have been using Tesco's on line and have signed up to a fixed

monthly delivery service that means that I can have a delivery 3 days per week every month

providing I spend £40.00 per delivery.

This year I will shop around and see if I can cut my spending and only buy “lemons” and

 not be Sold a “LEMON.”

So last year I started looking at items and tried to STOP but any thing with Palm Oil in,
MSG and Artificial Sweeteners.

I am all for sugar and do not feel comfortable with eating a Chemistry set every meal so the 

more basic the ingrediency the better. (personal chose)

So back to the Lemons, I hate it when something claims to have Lemons in but then it says 

on the packaging, lemon flavouring, lemon essence.

I can not stand in the super market all day reading packaging so I do it at home when the 

boys are a sleep. I also look at who things are packaged to try and reduce the amount of 

products that I buy that have load of packaging that they do not need.

This year I aim to cook more at hoe form fresh so in January 2019 I will do my first shop of 

the year and by December 2019 I aim to reduce the amount of LEMONS I buy, sugar, Palm 

oil, MSG Artificial Sugar and packaging I use.

So the amount I will be spend on my January Shop is…

Pure Warrior Maiden

Pure Warrior Maiden
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